Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tokyo site!!


Since I'm coordinating Tokyo site with my cutest partner, Karen, I'd like to advertise Tokyo.

First of all, Tokyo site will be the best of all sites!!! (Any oppositions?? <AECs

As you all know, Tokyo is the centre of Japan. (my spelling of "center" is already Canadianized...)

Here is a wonderful introduction of Tokyo by Riyo Mori who won the 2007 Miss Universe beauty pageant.
You can also watch the video material.

Tokyo is a really awesome city. I lived in Tokyo for only two years, but I have no hesitation to say that.
Are you excited about Tokyo??

Of course, it would be fun just to visit Tokyo as a tourist.
But I can assure you that JASC is the only way to maximize your experience in Tokyo!

I can't specify at this moment, but there will be tons of activities that can be experienced ONLY through JASC!!

You wanna apply?? Then, You MUST! (^^)/


Jon-Michael Durkin said...

Oh Yoshi, you are just soooooo delightfully wrong! Everyone knows that Kansai with Rachel, Moto, Oyuri, and myself is easily going to be the best experience! Tokyo can't even compare!

Oh, and get that Canadian spelling out of the AEC blog!!! :-P

I am so glad everyone is posting at last!

Yoshi said...

Hahah, Kanasai??
mmmmmm, you'll see~ :P

It's actually fun to spell in this way... so I won't get it out~ :P

Ed said...

Yoshi, everyone knows that Nagano (planned by Emi, Keisuke, Mina, and I) will be the best site, hands down. It's just a fact. :)

Rob Oh said...

JMD is right... Kansai is WAAAAY BETTER! Maybe I'm biased because I live here, but it is FAR better!
Tokyo cannot compare to the beauty of Kansai (and how nice the people are!)