Friday, December 19, 2008

Honorable Japanese Executive Committee Chair-sama

For the first introduction post regarding our lovely counterparts across the sea (or in my case, across the country) I am going to give you a glimpse into the mind of the one, the

(Hideya and I in Boston. We shared the same RT, so I feel I have a unique insight into his mind...)

What was your original goal/intention for attending the 60th Jasc?

Taking the role as one of the Japanese students telling American students about Japan and how our relationship is important.

Now that the 60th is over, and some time has lapsed, how much as a person do you think you have grown?

Considering there were lots  and lots of people and experiences that struck my hearts and that gave me huge amount of knowledge and courage. I don't think i can describe how much i grew up after JASC, but the clear and most important thing is that I had an unforgettable summer in 2008.

What kind of leader do you want to become for the 61st? In the perspective of the Japadeles? Amedeles?
I might say, as a Japanese student (Japadele), I should be a leader who can connect as many delegates as possible, especially since Japanese delegates are kind of shy to some extent.

What do you want to accomplish in the 61st? In the RT? As a person?
I want to leave something in the history through JASC, especially on the relation between US and Japan.

Briefly describe one particular memory you had at JASC that was memorable to you.
I saw one guy walking on a bridge with a girl who I thought was cute.

If you could describe yourself as a type of food, what would it be and why?
curry rice - spicy, hot, black and white and most importantly, delicious!! Yes I am!!

(Delicious?... Maybe)

If you only had one option, which would you choose: time or money? why?
money- because if you have no money, you can't survive longer than 3 months because you can't get any food from metropolitanized cities such as Tokyo, or will you steal them? No I can't.

Besides answering to the questions, what are you doing right now?

I was sending e-mails to my buddies and ......(^^)

What is your ideal day?

Watching movies while drinking wine and relaxing with my cat after taking a bath in the suite room of Ritz Carlton Tokyo.

The world is ending in 24 hours. How do you want to spend your last day on Earth?

Will make the drama [24]

If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which would you lose and why?
Hearing-cause sometimes in few years later we lose it anyway, so why not lose it now?

Please write a brief message to the future Amedeles.

hello future buddies!! you will see unbelievable scenes, people, experiences in 2009 summer, don't wait, grab the chance!! Anyways my motto is "Semper Gamby", see you guys in Japan!!