Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My brother... oh silly brother. He is in S. Korea at the moment serving in the US Army.
Before getting informed of his first duty station, he thought he would remain in the US and... oh silly brother purchased the [then] new 3G iPhone.
Of course, after about a month of use, he realized he won't be using the phone because he's going to Korea.
There was no need to sell the phone to someone else because... duh, I wasn't going anywhere.
So the day before leaving to Korea, he shipped me the phone.
At first, I was more or less indifferent about getting the phone because I don't use phone that much, and this whole high-tech cell phone deal was never too appealing.
Yep, that was me before I got the phone.

When I first got the phone, I adjusted the general settings and wallpaper to my own liking, put some awesome music on the iPod, set up my e-mail accounts [Dickinson & JASC gmail!], and texted a bunch of people, "iPhone is overrated..." haha.

Can you guess what the next thing I did was?
You've seen it on TV, "You want to _____? There is APP for that."

Dorky enough, the first "APP" I downloaded was the USA Today News app.
Then the next was Kotoba!, the Japanese dictionary app.
Then gFlash+, a flashcard app.
Then iheartradio, Who wants to be a millionaire, TWC, iHandy Level, Tap Tap, Skype...
Please trust me when I say I do not play any sort of games on daily basis-- no time, not attracted. But one night, I downloaded SCRAMBLE Live, oh my.. I played from like 2 to 5am.
[Shame, shame, I know... I profusely apologized to my brain a few hours later]
But also good APPs exist, like the MAP.
I'm so easy to take the wrong turn, I still confuse myself with East & West x_x, so I know how to track myself on that little radar on the screen and then! turn around...

What is it about technology that we are so fascinated about?
Electronics are just a bunch of wires and switches in circuits in which voltages go through, and voila, but somehow the products take different forms and functions to entertain us all day and all night.
Entertainment technology is now such a vital part of our lives. Well, not really vital.
There were other ways to enjoy yourself 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago.

I suppose it's all about self-control: knowing when to stop.
But I tell ya, the new, hip tech products just seduce you with all sorts of their own little charms to keep you attached and dependent.
Seriously, some of us are so dependent on technology that people sometimes wonder what will happen if all of a sudden everything we love disappears.
What will happen???

For me, I would have become more of a nerdy book reading girl, or at least a class-assignment reading girl so that I wouldn't be awake at such odd hour like this one struggling to finish a paper!



Rachel said...

In the age before radio, television, and computers, people used to worry about reading too much. They thought that reading books (and especially those degenerate NOVELS) was bad for the mind!

Kayoko Hirata said...

sigh...what happened to the good old days of the analog world?

Karen said...

I believe it's coming back... I DO!