Friday, December 26, 2008

'JASC Presents: Hiroshima' = Huge Success!

(Panelists discuss topics pertaining to 'War and Peace' during JASC Presents at the Hiroshima Peace Museum
From left to right: Masato Morishima, Koichiro Kawaguchi, Joshua Schlachet, Ryosuke Ueno)

JASC Presents: Hiroshima went off without a hitch and was, by any measurement, an absolute success. Over 40 people outside of the JASC world showed up to listen to ideas from Masato Morishima, Koichiro Kawaguchi, Joshua Schlachet, and Ryosuke Ueno. After the students delivered their speeches, the audience asked questions in order to further probe the thoughts of the panel on issues regarding war and peace. In all, the event lasted from about 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, with guests and JASCers mingling for about an hour afterwards.

Event coverage was provided by the Japanese news stations NHK and TSS, as well as several local newspapers. Coverage of the event made Yahoo Japan and can be seen at:

Although the 61st Japan-American Student Conference American Executive Committee is not directly involved with JASC Presents activities, the American Executive Committee would like to offer our deepest thanks to the Hiroshima Peace Museum for providing a free and spacious venue, as well as to Professor Kazumi Mizumoto for delivering a splendid keynote speech. In addition, we would like to send our congratulations to Joshua Schlachet (59th JASCer and 60th AEC member) and Sayaka Shingu (60th JASCer) for organizing a successful event!

The next JASC Presents event will be located at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan, on January 9th. Look for a post containing detailed information sometime next week!