Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wait, wait: ANOTHER JEC? YES, the last and the BEST.

Hello everyone, it's Karen!

Thus far, 7 AEC members have introduced 7 JEC members, but guess what, there are 8 AEC members, including me, which means...? Yes, another JEC member.

Before the Conference begins, let me introduce him.
Moto Ono.
Moto and I were in the same roundtable, Minority Issues, last year at 60th JASC. Boy, if you ask any 60th JASCer WHO transformed most drastically from the beginning to the end of the Conference, I bet the answer is Moto. I definitely will go with that answer.
(Picture: Takuma, Jinha, and MOTO in red)

Moto is currently a junior at Kyoto University in the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies.

At 61st JASC, he is leading the "Food Security and the Future Accessibility of edible Commodities" RT with Kayoko.

He was asked some questions, and the answers are finally here!


* What was your original intention for attending the 60th JASC?
Frankly speaking, I thought it was good chance to visit the US cheaply and to meet up with new people.

* Now that the 60th is over, and some time has lapsed since, how much as a person do you think you have grown?
I do not know how much I've grown after JASC, but I think at least I learned the simple fact that what I was able to see was based on my experience and other person caught different impression even if we saw the same views and began to respect the difference.

* What kind of leader do you want to become for the 61st?
I would be very happy if I can help delegates to find their own ways to enjoy JASC.

* What do you want to accomplish in the 61st in the RT?
In our RT, the topic looks very concrete. Through analyzing issues or dilemmas on Food Security, I would like to share the different philosophy and view to the world and start to build the concept of the desirable world, though it sounds a little too idealistic.

* Briefly describe one particular memory you had at JASC that was memorable to you.
The discussion with a veteran, a peace activist, a historian, local residents and JASC members in Montana. We made one large circle and tried to draw something from this meeting while expressing different each standpoint honestly.
However, my JASC memory can be said as a collection of scenes such as the endless conversation lying on the floor of the Reed College, Portland, with one of the reliable RT members while trying to submit my term essay for the university via e-mail.

* If you could describe yourself as a type of food, what would it be and why?
- egg-shaped face? in the making? having a shell!? Above all, I like omelette.

* If you only had one option, which would you choose: time or money? Why?
Time, because I cannot do anything without time even if I had plenty of money.

* What is your ideal day?
Waking up comfortably in the morning (without the alarm), riding my bicycle to Kamo river in Kyoto, reading a book and taking a nap by the riverside.

* The world is ending in 24 hours. How do you want to spend your last day on Earth?
To spend with dearest people or ask NASA to take me to another place in the space.

* If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which would you lose and why?
Smell, since I sometimes wish the sense of my nose were lost because of hey fever.

* Please write a brief message to the Amedeles.
I am looking forward to spending great time with you in this summer!!

hahahaha. Oh Moto.. his answers are quite witty.

I hope you enjoyed!
