Saturday, January 10, 2009

Introducing the original Tokyo B-Boy.. Koji Jimba!

If Koji were this introduction, I'm sure it would be in rap form with some mad beats accompanying, but since I'm introducing him, it will just be pictures and words!

Name: Koji Jimba
School: International Christian University
JASC 61 RT: Educating a Global Citizenry


What was your original goal/intention for attending the 60th Jasc?
I wanted to meet people from TOKYO university, etc.

* Now that the 60th is over, and some time has lapsed since, how much as a person do you think you have grown? Unthinkable is myself without this experience. I have learned the importance of meeting and communicating.

* What kind of leader do you want to become for the 61st? In the perspective of the Japadeles? Amedeles?
Someone who is influential and involving.
* What do you want to accomplish in the 61st? In the RT? As a person?
something so new that I can't imagine it.

* Briefly describe one particular memory you had at JASC that was memorable to you.
I rode an ATV with my friend, and had a very NICe time!!

* If you could describe yourself as a type of food, what would it be and why?
Sushi, don't know why.

* If you only had one option, which would you choose: time or money? why?
Time; to make myself better using it.
* Besides answering to the questions, what are you doing right now?
making websites, designing pamphlets...

* What is your ideal day?
wake up early not feeling sleepy, go shopping somewhere, come back home and work!

* The world is ending in 24 hours. How do you want to spend your last day on Earth?
spend time discussing our life with friends.

Koji, SunYoung, Emi, and Moto ( Minority RT, JASC 60)

* What is an article of clothes/accessory that defines "you"?

b-boy clothing

* If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which would you lose and why?
sorry, I would not like that.

* Please write a brief message to the future Amedeles.
I want you!! for JASC.


Colin said...

Rode an ATV with a friend...I remember that. Only there's more to the story that he's not telling!