Friday, January 16, 2009

Introducing our awesome JEC Vice Chair

Name: Yuri Takeuchi
School: University of Tokyo
JASC 61 RT: Globalizing Economies

(With RT Co-leader Jon-Michael Durkin)

* What was your original goal/intention for attending the 60th Jasc?
I'd been interested in Japan America Student Conference since elementary school, and I also had an extra push from my parents and JASC OBs that my parents knew. Having lived in Japan for half of my life and the US for the other half, I was hoping that this conference would be an interesting event and learning experience for me - as a student who is Japan-America if not in blood, in experience.

* Now that the 60th is over, and some time has lapsed since, how much as a person do you think you have grown?
Through talking with both American and fellow Japanese delegates, I've come to recognize myself more as a Japanese person than I ever have - and feel very proud about it. This has been an extremely important event that has somewhat helped me come to terms with my mixed up and confused identity. ;)

* What kind of leader do you want to become for the 61st? In the perspective of the Japadeles? Amedeles?
Open to everyone and aiming for the best

* What do you want to accomplish in the 61st? In the RT? As a person?
An amazing JASC suitable for JASC's 75th anniversarythat we will be able to look back on 20 years from now and say "That was the beginning of it all."the best JASC with the best ECsaaand the best RT ever with the best RT partner in the world.

(Yuri and Oyuri)

* Briefly describe one particular memory you had at JASC that was memorable to you.
Being on top of the beautiful mountain in Montana and lying down with 60th JASCers and counting shooting stars

* If you could describe yourself as a type of food, what would it be and why?
hot pepper. I like red? When I'm determined I go pretty strong and direct.

* If you only had one option, which would you choose: time or money? why?
Time. Time and working my ass off can make money but money can't make time.That and I always seem out of hours in a day...

* Besides answering to the questions, what are you doing right now?
talking with JEC KOJI about business plans and the future :-)

* What is your ideal day?
Spending an entire day from wake-up to falling asleep with everyone I love :)New York cheesecake and baby monkeys (favorite animal) by my side would be nice too.I've had urges to spontaneously just go on a trip around the world recently... if I suddenly got magical powers that would allow me to add hours to the day and go on a trip to foreign countries at my demand that would make my day even more spectacular.

(Yuri holding a stuffed monkey)

* The world is ending in 24 hours.How do you want to spend your last day on Earth?
as above.

* If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which would you lose and why?
I've spent 5 minutes thinking about this one and I can't answer it. I would start with having a coup d'Etat and overriding whoever was trying to make me lose my senses.

* Please write a brief message to the future Amedeles.
You all don't know it yet, but the Executive Committee members' most important source of energy as we do our JASC work is all of you, future delegates.I can't wait to meet all of you.Get prepared for an inspirational and unforgettable summer!!!!!


Kayoko Hirata said...

yuri...are you planning a coup d'etat against me? (*cries*)