Wednesday, January 7, 2009

JASC Presents: Kyoto

■ Theme ■
Towards a New Japan-U.S. Relations: The Aftermath of the Presidential Elections and the Future of the Global Society

With the inauguration of Barack Obama in January 2009, how will he bring change to this global economy plagued with the international financial crisis? How will Japan and the U.S. solve pending problems such as global warming, food security and energy policies/resources? U.S. Consulate Dong and the participants of the 60th JASC will present the academic discussions and cultural exchange that take place during the conference by extending our conversations to the Kyoto community.
For more information, please check (in Japanese),

■ Event Information ■
Date: Friday, January 9th, 2008
Time: 2-4:30 PM (Doors open at 1:30 PM)
Location: Nakano Memorial Hall, International Peace Museum 1st floor, Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University (
Admission: Free

■ Participants ■
Keynote speaker: Edward K.H. Dong (Current Osaka/Kobe U.S. Consul)
Panelists: Tomomi Sakamoto (Kyoto University, 60th delegate), Ryusuke Hirota (Keio University, 60th JASC JEC), Jon-Michael Durkin (University of Akron, 61st JASC AEC)
Moderator/Translator: Yukio Iseki (Kyoto University, 60th JEC)

This is our second JP event this year, held in the historically and culturally significant city of Kyoto. As you can see, JASC isn't just about the main conference, but a continuing process throughout the year.

Next JP will be held in Boston at Harvard campus. Stay tuned~