Friday, September 26, 2008

Durkin's Introduction

It’s taken me a while to want to write this introduction… I’ve struggled a lot with exactly what to say in it. How can I sum myself up in a short time while still keeping you interested? It’s really difficult!

Name: Jon-Michael Durkin
College: The University of Akron
Major: International Politics
Site: Kansai Region
Roundtable: Globalizing Economies: The Rise of BRICs in Relation to Japan and the United States

Well that was interesting, right? Ok… Be quiet.
I’m studying abroad in Japan this year. It works out rather nicely because I get the extreme pleasure of actually living in the area where the fourth site of the coming JASC will take place. If you haven’t already guessed, I was an American delegate from the 60th JASC. My motivation to become an EC was borne out of one specific goal: World Domination.
Just joking… Maybe.

In actuality, I found JASC to be one of the most momentous events in my life. I was skeptical, at first. In truth, I found myself not wanting to go the week before the conference out of fear. I am glad I did not yield to such silly thoughts. Traveling the United States with 61 other students from Japan and the US has left a great impression on me. It’s almost impossible to put the feelings into a generic paragraph such as this. If you are thinking about applying, do so. Absolutely, without a doubt, apply. It’s something you won’t regret, ever. It’s worth every bit of time spent, and it’s an experience which will enrich your person beyond belief.
If you find yourself compelled, but still fearful, please contact us and learn from our experience. That is, after all, why we are here.

Ok, so this was a poor self-introduction… I’ll just do a freaking meme…